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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Craft with Nicky:4th of July glow stick makeover!

Use these fab glow sticks to locate your doll in the dark when the firework show is over.
All of the girls are going to do this craft with Nicky!

OH! NO! Felicity forgot to go buy the fireworks I guess she has to go
the supplies you will need are:
*one pack of short and fat glow sticks
*one pack of long and skinny glow sticks
cut open the pack of short and fat glow sticks
inside you will find glow sticks and red string
add stickers all over your glow stick
these are mine and remember don't cover up the whole thing you still want light to shine through
now slide the long and skinny glow stick through the hole fasten on dolls neck. You can also cut of a small piece of the red string to tie a bow for color. Enjoy!
happy forth of July!
last nigh I watched the movie Saige Paints The Sky here's a picture of the dolls
see ya next time!


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