To contact me you can email me at kate.peters22@gmail .com

Saturday, July 6, 2013

NEW DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I went to my Grandma's house in Sheboygan Falls I got a new dress for my dolls! If anyone's heard of the store EVANS you know its just about the most stuffed full toy store with EVERY toy in it and I am not kidding every single toy you could imagine! So I went there and I bought a dress!

I had another pic but it wont upload so sorry!
anyways it came with a hanger too!


  1. That is such a pretty dress! I have never heard of that store, it sounds great! Your doll looks so pretty!

    1. Thanks so much I love ur blog and it just makes my day to see that u checked out mine!!and Evans is just fabulous but I live an hour away so I don't go ther often
