To contact me you can email me at kate.peters22@gmail .com

Monday, September 16, 2013

So Sad......


I. AM. So. sorry. I just cant do  it anymore....  I will not be posting on this blog on a daily basis because I read if you are not enjoying you blog then don't do it and because the break was so relaxing I decided not to end this blog but to just not post very much so I will not be posting on a schedule because that dose not work for me and so I am just going to post whenever....I guess its a lot of work to get everything set up for a post and then take the pictures then upload them then post it just takes a lot of work so that is why I have kind of been putting it aside I mean I am not as in to the dolls because I don't have time to play with them well I have enough time to play but not to dress up take pictures and put them up on my blog. but I have some good news to. I will be starting a new blog about duct tape and it wont take me as long to write those posts so that one will be for just when I get new tape or when I make a new project (which happens bout 5 times a week) so if you love  duct tape and enjoy me as a blog writer I would take a look at it I haven't created it yet but I will soon and I will tell the blog address on here and I don't want to broadcast my   duct tape blog because if a lot of people look at it and really like it then when I forget to post I wont feel like I let a lot of people down. I mean what makes me feel that way is the followers I mean I get discouraged if there is never any comments because everybody's comments make me smile but when I get a lot of followers I feel like I'm in a position where everybody is relying on me to post and I feel bad when I let them down like wright now I am feeling bad because  I am breaking bad news to you that's all for now.........


  1. Don't stop posting! Everyone LOVES your blog! Yes blogging is hard, but fun! Let things inspire you! You have a GREAT blog!

    1. I am sorry I will still post but a lot less I am working on a really cool BIG crft for my dolls so that will be a post so ya I am about to post my blog name for the duct tape one so ya....

  2. I am really sad that you aren't going to be posting much any more but luckily I love duck tape so I will be going on your new if you see sarah commented on your new blog its me.

  3. Oh katie, please don't stop posting!!! Everyone LOVES your blog including me!!! And you know what? You were the one who brought me back to ag again!! for a while, i had not noticed my ag doll and they were just sitting there doing nothing. But then what happened? I was on google+ and I joined a ag community for some reason. And do you know what was the first post I saw? Yours. Go check out me blog dolls4dolls!!! And I did. And do you know what happened? I was inspired. I checked out other blogs like amayas and kaylas. And I was brought back to the ag world katie. Just because of YOU, YOU KATIE YOU!!!!!!! Please don't stop posting katie. Do it for me, for amaya, for kayla, amy mayen, for julie, nicky and felicity! Do it for your mom and dad, and for all the ag doll lovers out there katie. And of course, do it for yourself katie. You have inspired so many people. Brought them back to the ag world. Keep on posting katie. Do it for yourself.

    1. Thank you so much I really needed that I will be trying my barest to post as much as I can and I really want to thank you for that amazing comment I made my day it brought tears to my eyes and my hands are shaking if you wouldent have told me this blog means so much to people I would have Probably stopped posting so I really want to thank you and like I said I really needed to see that cuss I was feeling a little overwhelmed but the resin I saidthat was because I just started school and I have a lot of homework and I am re-reading the whole Harry potter series with my friend am my other friend is giving me these 4 really good big books to read and I have been preparing for my friends b day party on Friday as in making her a wand and a letter to howarts because it's her11 birthday and ya and I have to start some privet blogg thingy for school and I am still going to find time for blogging I just know I can do it so once again I really really really really really REALLY really really wanted to thank you for commenting !!!!!!!!

  4. You know what? Your comment brought tears to MY eyes. I am soooooooooo glad you have decided to keep up your blog!!! It means a lot to me, and I am sure it means a lot every one else who has read your blog. :)
